lol 6 white people. thanks, but no thanks.
lol 6 white people. thanks, but no thanks.
counterproductived, this comment is?
Any game that has a random person of color in a pretty much all white cast is VERY noticeable. See pretty much every action movie in the past 10 years. There’s always THE black guy, or THE asian girl.
it’s not game. it’s bloat. f2p mobile game mechanics
no. because they coexist. two sides of the same coin
There isn’t a new SMG. They’re removing the original SMG from the game.
GTAO has the worst multiplayer I’ve ever seen. Ever. From parties (which isn’t even a real thing), matchmaking, getting back into matches, etc
RDR 2 was announced like a year ago. KH3 was announced probably around the time development started
lmao, angles. it has nothing to do with angles. the game just doesn’t actually look that good when you play.
lmao. by 15 years ago you mean the enjoyable pile of garbage that we call Taiketsu
I like the idea of a full modern day Assassin’s Creed being similar to something like a Watch Dogs/Splinter Cell blend.
because Assassin’s Creed is ultimately, a reflection of life. We create so many threads that forever go untied. And the effects of that create other threads and other threads, all stemming from a thread that you never tied up.
I really wish Let It Die had multiplayer. how much new content has it received since launch?
literally no way you’re top anything and don’t know that the grenade launcher is in the game
it’s hot steaming garbage
it’s very fair. the patterns are easy to learn, it just comes down to your skill at navigating them. there is also a trick you can use that idk how many people know about, but I won’t tell you unless you actually need help. it’s kind of a cheese but it still takes some really good reflexes
it’s soooo good. I haven’t played it since I beat...been a long time, which is actually how long of a break I needed to go back and play it. it should feel somewhat new again. there is one particular boss that seems REALLY by all means it seems ridiculous, and then you’s not. You’ll be equally…
literally amazing. you will have moments where you feel you’ll never progress but then you will and it’s the best feeling. it’s the feeling I would look for in Dark Souls but that game requires too much attention and time. Furi is bite sized in a way mobile games are designed to be but it doesn’t sacrifice any…
I miss Deadman