ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

it’s just a lobby and some challenges to complete. and honestly it’s not that big of deal. it’s not essential to the game at all

Outland was fucking amazing.

she got into a “physical” relationship which, honestly, is such odd sugarcoating, with someone who tried to date rape her?

fact check my friend.

it definitely does it’s own thing. I’ve gone between Smash and Brawlhalla in the same sitting and they honestly don’t feel all that similar. just enough.

honestly I’m not mad at it. it’s fan service. but as a kid who grew up on reruns....I wanted a continuation...not fluff

that’s when I gave up on it. when Zamasu was copy and pasted all over the sky... and the entire universe, I was over it. bunch of nonsense lol.

you spelled ever word

Super has no weight. it’s all fan service. I didn’t become an adult for fan service. I wanted to see the story continue. Not a bunch of loosely connected stories with no real danger. There are so many reset buttons waiting to be used in Super thanks to all the Gods and Kais being around. Goku saving the universe is

except most fans do know the differences between a lot of those forms. what makes THIS different is it is not a level of Saiyan. In fact, being Super Saiyan is kinda not important anymore. It’s just a lil flavor now. Wait till we see UISSJ. idk how the forms in GT weren’t worthy to be considered Canon but all these

how about the fact that it DOESN’T MATTER. You can’t stop things on the internet once it’s on the internet.

well I never implied it was a super smart game. but they had the hooks in the right places. honestly the game just needed more content. I could have played the original iteration of D1 forever if all we ever got was balancing and a steady stream of REAL content.

i knew everyone’s constant complaining would lead to an extremely plain and dumbed down sequel. sad. I got the game for free and couldn’t play more than an hour. it’s boring. I actually preferred the MMO vibe and they should have dug deeper into that

ye, they pretty much killed their own game.

they probably should have listened to everyone and made it co-op. single player doesn’t sell. I don’t care what you have to say. unless you are a proven developer who can deliver a very high quality single player experience, it will not sell. you may hate the idea of every game having multiplayer, but we are in a very

its very different.

this is all a bunch of big nothing.

it’s very easy when your game is almost completely independent of the console it is running on. Epic built all their own stuff for the games to run on so it is literally like an on/off switch for crossplay. Odd that Spencer said he wanted to leave it on but a month ago it seemed against the policy for Xbox One/PC

it is very easy for this game, as Epic got really smart awhile back and built their own infrastructure/backend for their games. So PC, PS4 and Xbox One just act as doors. Friends, partying, matchmaking, servers, etc...all handled by Epic. Psyonix is in the process of doing the same thing for Rocket League, which will

everyone is the same character. you find weapons.