ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

Because. PC Elitists. He’s a console “peasant”. Who literally did what they said he couldn’t do. Why did anyone make Rocky?

It’s just so weird that if it were males sexualizing/Sombra being sexualized with a male partner this would probably be a huge issue. “Your ass looks great in that dress”

The gameplay style will start to change more often than the theme. Can’t wait for open world Call of Duty, then open world coop Call of Duty, then mmoLite Call of Duty

What are you even talking about? Have you not even glossed over an EULA/TOS/TOU? 99% of the time there is something in there about reverse engineering.

If you knew the value of a dollar then it should make clear sense why this game is $25.

I mean...I wasn’t trying to attack you for thinking that. But I feel like a lot of people having that same mindset when it comes to indie games, hurts indie games. Because they wait for sales and price drops blah blah. When these games are usually already being sold at a loss, you have people waiting to buy the game

.......what are you even talking about? How many $6 indie game are selling 10 million copies? Do you know how many $6o games don’t even sell 1 million?? Your math was unnecessary.

Overall, my point is, just because someone can’t afford it, doesn’t mean the game isn’t priced reasonably. I have no interest in buying this either but it does look good and you can tell a lot of work was put into it. I feel like $25 isn’t bad at all.

Obviously you want the game and think it’ll be good if the only thing keeping you away is the price.

What 20 year old doesn’t pay or file taxes??? I have been doing so since I was 17. I also moved out 2 months ago. Just because YOU don’t have money for it doesn’t make it expensive. It makes it out of your budget. Would you rather we go back to a time where all the games were the same price and sales were rare?

huh? This seems to be a pretty solid and lengthy game. Just because it’s indie doesn’t mean it should be a bargain bin price

Gamers are so cheap nowadays...and I’m only 20. $25 for this is great.

The AI and the encounters are all still really stupid. No one hears all the gunfire and explosions and SCREAMING about 5 feet away? You hear people dying so you charge around the corner ALONE?


A season pass to make up for lower sales? It’d have even lower sales with a season pass. So no they played it very smart.

The question was why the publisher does that for one franchise and not the other. That is the reason. One of many actually.

Because fragmentation isn’t a big problem when your game has millions of players and also made millions of dollars.

Helps to counter them but also severely limits gameplay options. Which also means it limits how you attack and how you can counter.

As if people still play GTA Online to earn money.
