It’s been a steal for YEARS, I love it so much.
It’s been a steal for YEARS, I love it so much.
Remember, though Sony advertises these games as “free,” you need an active PlayStation Plus subscription to access them. That’s not free.
Internet Hate Machine, is that you?
I was actually pretty upset that my computer updated the night I declined it, simply because I restarted my computer. All of my files were put into a back-up folder, and then 2 weeks later any new files I had suddenly disappeared and my back-up folder became the main again. I lost a lot.
Maybe name it something less video-gamey...”Embark on Quest” or something?
Hey, Kotaku.…
Wow I completely forgot about that. It's a really good game, at least from what I remember. Let me know what you think of it whenever you get around to playing. Think I'm gonna load it up on 360
I wouldn't really call it a horror game. It was just insanely creepy. But it's definitely an action/shooter in my mind. I played on 360. My clearest memory is not having ammo and creeping along this hallway and a newly introduced enemy comes charging at me.....ya know maybe it was a horror game.
So no speculation about the potara earring?
You are mistaken lol. I mean, Sunset Overdrive was X1 exclusive.
I absolutely loved Quake 4 despite how unreasonably scary it was to me. But I was also like 10 playing an M-rated game with some extremely dark areas and aggressive enemies. But I loved it.
Am I the only person who liked Quake 4?
A Boy and His Robot.
So what did id actually do
The world doesn't deserve you.
Is there somewhere I can just buy the box? Paid $20 for the game. You get a code for a friend at lvl 20. It’s the best $20 i’ve spent on a game in years.
Thank you for not being an idiot
The point was that this kid apparently drew a Skylander and the team made this known to the media but never actually showed the character in game during the trailer. It literally wasn’t them trying to prove anything. It was a joke. People wanted to see Plunder Fist. They gave us Plunder Fist. The point is that this…