ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

The developers OBVIOUSLY put these items in the game BECAUSE of the drawing. If you think they’re trying to prove the versatility of the character creator you’re missing the point. A kid drew a Skylander, so in a game where you can create your own, they made sure this one was *definitely* possible. Think of it as an

I loved Uncharted 3 despite how broken it became overtime, but it was pretty solid. I do not feel the same about UC4. I hate all the abilities and stuff like that. UC3 had a few dumb ones

Well I suppose since Snapmap is pretty much only good for private matches then that isn’t TOO bad. That shouldn’t be too troublesome for 4 people, but it does kind of break the immersion.

Can SnapMaps be linked together to create a campaign? Or at least put into a playlist? If so, I would consider a multi-map/multi-phase maybe. So instead of a 30/45 minute match on 1 map, it’s maybe 15 minutes per map. I think it’s an interesting take on MOBA gameplay. So you could win 1, lose 1, then take it all home.


Holy shit. The Digital Deluxe is $40????????

The number of multiplayer missions was at least 3 the number of story missions

No. The bulk of the game is the replayable content which is co-op focused. It just had a really bad lobby system, which is what he was saying. It was indeed awful. The game? No.

So I’m not allowed to compare a reboot to the game it’s rebooting? Should people not compare Ratchet & Clank to Ratchet & Clank?

You must not have played the original DOOM

This should have been more like Borderlands. Like an MMO lite version. Open world RPG, MP Hub world, 25 playable characters, and good multiplayer...sounds like GOTY.

No. I’m only 20 but I played DOOM in my early teen years up until now. And I remember it being very fast, and that was a part of the fun. Especially when playing custom campaigns. DOOM is slightly slower than Halo sprint speed. It feels even slower (and more like Halo lol) in MP.

...........that’s a joke right?

Uncharted 3 was a terrible game. Except for the MP which I enjoyed a lot despite some of it’s brokenness. But yeah the SP was awful. Literally.

It's painfully slow

Neo-Geo, surprisingly.

You mean the things she explained in a few sentences? Won’t be hard to explain two rival groups.

You literally said the Anime kept the Blue. It did not.

This is a huge jump though. And usually they are either around the same price, a little less, or a little more. This is a different situation.