What about people who have real, from-the-left critiques of Clinton that have never been actually addressed?
What about people who have real, from-the-left critiques of Clinton that have never been actually addressed?
This is good advice. I’ve been married 23 years, I suggest these tips:
You can barely seem them nipples...
The MIT License (MIT)
Its because Gawker has to make up for all the money they are going to lose when they have to pay out Hulk Hogan.
There are plenty of valid reasons to be critical of unions - generally, specifically gigantic unions like the UAW. Unionization is generally very good, but that doesn’t mean specific unions or a certain type of union can’t be very bad.
Because people still assume (mistakenly so) that unions are the best thing for an employee that there ever was.
tesla does NOT need to unionize. this isn’t the fucking 1930s. tech giants don’t need unions. this is a money-grab and people are too stupid to see it.
Isn’t an article about product placement...product placement, my brain hurts now.
Or get rid of grass altogether so your water usage is almost non-existent.
Kristin, I have to disagree with you on this one.
Exactly. The fed has already raised rates and has indicated they plan to continue raising them. It’s not a matter of if, or even when, only how much the rates will increase. Therefore savings accounts will be yielding more in a few months than they are now, and bonds will suddenly lose value. That loss is not a risk,…
I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.
Its not the slutiness people are calling her out for, it’s the desperation. She’s an attention whore to the nth degree. I dislike Piers but if you read his article it discusses just that.
Fred Smoot was reportedly unimpressed.
Yeah, really funny joke asshole
Any time gamers bitch about lack of innovation in gaming, i point them to the shit show that was the Xbox One launch. Gamers bitched and complained over Kinect and got it sidelined solely because gamers like to bitch. This is why we can’t have nice things. Was Kinect perfect? Hell no, but the sheer whining was absurd.
I’ve been using Gentle Alarm for several years now, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.