
Don’t trust China, China is asshoe

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention the fees! I’m corporate now and I’m the Plan Administrator and when I came in and transitioned our company’s plan, I fought hard on the fees, that the employer pay admin costs, and we have a safe harbor. So if you work for my company, I’m going to encourage you stay in the plan! :) 

Thank you! Financial Planner here. The alternative to the 401k for tax deferral would be an IRA which has FAR lower funding limits. You should take into consideration plan cost too. I’ve seen insane fees, admin costs, expense ratios of 401k in which case the waiting until a match could be argued for.  Ask for the fee

May I ask what your profession is?

I’m a CPA and I’ve had the pleasure of auditing hundreds of employee benefit plans over my career - even during the Great Recession. Yes, there are companies that match their executives up to the allowable Employer Contribution limit (~$57K) and they need to pass certain

Little bit of clarification for non-energy nerds: This was the WTI May futures contract, which expires tomorrow. That means that if you hold one of these contracts, you are about to have to take physical delivery of the oil at Cushing, OK. Normally this is the point that traders would offload their contracts to

If one’s wealth is almost entirely tied up in real estate, how are they going to move that?

Explain to me how he’s incorrect.

College is getting easier year over year AND more expensive, so getting a college degree is increasingly becoming a display of wealth rather than educational merit.
If we made some colleges free and (just as important) raised their performance standards, college would become the meritocracy it always should have been.

nailed it... couple that with the extremely high costs to continually grow a network and the economies of scale are not there for either of the two companies; their cost per subscriber for 5G, for example, is substantially higher than Verizon or AT&T. I’ll contend the merger will make a much stronger competitor to

I’m pretty sure my standards for “good” are higher, or at least different, than what that chart assumes. Or maybe I’m biased because I’ve watched most of the movies on Netflix that I’m interested in, and new ones get added relatively slowly. But there are way more movies on Disney+ that I’m interested in than there

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.

right, but, it was a joke

Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.

I’d pay 45 cents to see him on tour with Nickleback.

For everyone sad about this, just know that flagship phones are no longer for you. These companies have one job and that’s to make as much money as they can. This news should indicate to you that there are people with more money than you who are willing to spend more money than you on a phone, and the market will


Look at you being all rational and making sense. Too bad none of the seething trump haters (many not old enough to have ever experienced a good economy) won’t look past their hatred to understand what you’re saying is correct. Instead, “fuck the Cheeto,” or “resist!” is the general tone here.

Because it is not fair.

Dude, technically... they will be investing it. Do the math.