
Way to go!  I talk to businesses about this all the time.  If they can afford the fees, its a great way for them to offer the lowest cost plans and get a hell of a business expense right off.

Thank you! Financial Planner here. The alternative to the 401k for tax deferral would be an IRA which has FAR lower funding limits. You should take into consideration plan cost too. I’ve seen insane fees, admin costs, expense ratios of 401k in which case the waiting until a match could be argued for.  Ask for the fee

Its a blog, there is ZERO responsibility to post real data.  If it fits their beliefs they’ll post it regardless of how factual the data is.

Not listing Gabbard.  So no endorsements?

Now playing

I’m sorry but this is the first thing that came to mind.

The main take away is this is a conversion from a Traditional IRA to a Roth. You must have first contributed to a Traditional IRA which does have the annual limit imposed on it. The reason there isn’t a limit on the conversion is the individual would have already had the imposed limitation. At least, this is my

I don’t even live in TX and can tell you it’s one of the states that I admire for how it’s run. Businesses thrive there, government stays the fuck out of my life and the cost of living isn’t through the roof like it is in CA.

Thank you. This is a car dedicated blog and this had to be written about? File this under no fucking shit.

This is exactly why we need a 3rd party candidate. Trump’s a bumbling buffoon and Hilary can’t stop stumbling over her own dumb shit self.

I’m going to do ahead and say it, Neil Armstrong was a sexist pig for saying “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Mind the giant heaping pile of sarcasm.

Otherwise a normal greeting of travelers to Rio. He should be happy he wasn’t kidnapped or killed.

“I’m really into this idea, and I wouldn’t want to limit it to just cucumber pickles. Pickled peppers, pickled radishes, or even whole lemon wedges would really pack in the flavor.” Grabbing a few items from a batch of giardiniera would be awesome in this.

Why wouldn’t they take the opportunity to take a blockbuster to pimp their products?

Maybe this will be ok for me to drive once I upload my conscious to the internet and can instruct my new robot being to drive this thing. Looks uncomfortable as hell.

Or at least not have the interest paid on these loans capped. My wife got her Masters as a PA and now we owe over $100k of which most is interest at this point. When we file we are capped at the amount that we are able to deduct which blows.

Completely agree. The original vision that Microsoft had for the X1 was awesome. I loved the idea of fully digital everything and being able to share games. Yes there was DRM but I don’t have a problem with that when it makes sense. Sony didn’t innovate. They succeeded in a political sense but the machine nor their

And people wonder why America hates “America’s Team.” Effe the Cowboys!

Bob, the difference between a fiduciary and broker is a fiduciary must act in a clients interests while a broker must make sure the product is suitable for the clients needs, time horizon etc. It doesn’t mean the the product is more suitable for the broker.

My favorite feature is that I can change the vibration intensity of the alarm. Most standard alarms come with the most intense vibration to jar you awake, I don’t need that. I have mine set to where it almost sounds like my phone is knocking on my bedside table to wake me up. Put simply, its amazing.

As much as I love seeing these themes because they really are beautiful, I tinker too often with my homescreen layout and these themes don’t give the flexibility that I desire.