
This is exactly why we need a 3rd party candidate. Trump’s a bumbling buffoon and Hilary can’t stop stumbling over her own dumb shit self.

Ignorance isn’t a defense. What exactly did she think C stood for? Maybe if she doesn’t understand something, she should ask.

3 pony race. Get Johnson to the debates. I want to hear him take these two on.

Have you looked into Gary Johnson?

I’m going to do ahead and say it, Neil Armstrong was a sexist pig for saying “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Mind the giant heaping pile of sarcasm.

Otherwise a normal greeting of travelers to Rio. He should be happy he wasn’t kidnapped or killed.

This notification and comment system is tough to see exactly what I said, but I think it said that he’d pull from both parties. He’s in record as such. Not saying he couldn’t go all Republican, just saying that he’s on record saying he’d “pull the best from both parties.”

Well Van, my understanding of what the cabinet members are responsible for, are to advise the president on policy, not veto his policies.

You good sir don’t deserve to share even a semblance of the good name Van Morrison. Good day.

Wow, you just made me feel important. If I had that kind of impact from the bowels of political debate on Gizfuckimgmodo, that would sure be something. I hope to god Johnson gets his 15% to get into the debates. He’llbe the only likeable candidate and then we’ll see what happens in the fall.

You act like he wants to abolish education all together.

So I’m the assholes because in small government? Sorry but I’d rather take care if myself then have the government telling me how to live. And I work in downtown Seattle. I’ve met PLENTY of poor people.

Thank you for not outright attacking me like the rest of the assholes on this site. I give an opinion and get wrecked for it.

Not a great position to take I’ll admit. Hardly the only candidate to be hypocritical in the field. How many times has Hilary and Trump flip flopped on issues or things they’ve said?

Except they’ve been on record saying they’re take the best from both parties.

I’m not sure if you’re aware that the 2 parties have nominated the 2 least liked candidates in recent history, if not ever. So shocking the world with someone who isn’t either of those 2 shouldn’t be that crazy.

I’m sure glad you straightened me out. Thanks for the pep talk.

Except I live in WA so my vote already doesn’t mean a thing.

Your crystal ball is wonderful. Can I borrow it? They can’t fill the cabinet with republicans if they’d want their social issues addressed.

Both are anti war, both are for marriage equality, both want to legalize marijuana, both are against the NSA/Patriot Act, and both want to end corporate welfare. There are 5 reasons for you.