
“Full Bars!”

my favorite episode is the halloween episode where the whole family (plus mort and teddy) work together to scare Louise. Her reaction when she realizes she’s been had is priceless. It’s the sweetest thing.


Hooray! Something to look forward to in the year 2020. Other than political upheaval of course.

Multiplayer goose assholery simulator?

This was the exact moment this game had my money.

I bought this when it was on sale a while back, and went in without any expectations and gave it a try. While not really a bad game, the constant and never ending crafting grind required simply to play the game wore thin very fast. The fact that all these aliens are flying around trading, and, apparently, constantly

When a grown ass Black man or Black woman says, “Hold on, first of all”, twice in a row at that, you about to be told something that should not have to be explained to you to begin with. Nucca.

As a female scfi geek, this is nothing new. We know.

I feel bad for anyone that dates Emily in the future.

Nothing good.

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

likable conservative

I did laugh at that bit.

Fuck, dude, if you can’t grow a mustache, don’t grow a beard. Doubly so if you are a ginger.

He was a loose cannon, but, damn it, he got RESULTS!

Hey, Teach: