The idea of the BBC finding something “too emotionally muted” made me giggle.
I love all these fucking internet nerds in the comments claiming she has no right to be an actress because she hasn’t seen the movies they deem necessary.
And how exactly do they get to the status you deem appropriate if they are never cast in higher profile roles and movies? Practically every year the Oscars have some relative unknown person get a ton of attention so don’t act like only “bankable” people get these jobs.
Can’t believe Cloud from Super Smash Bros. is finally getting his own game.
Which is why the article says...
Sorry! Hopefully, a future post will be more to your liking Shawn!
This was really interesting and not that bad?
I decided to go to the website to see if there was a chance that the production company was called “moviename” since there are a few productions that have dumb names. Apparently it leads to some bizarre site trying to raise awareness for a movie that whose cast and crew are being sued and threatened…
Better, “President Trump and Pence found dead in bed, KFC chicken wing lodged in their tracheas”.
A Christmas miracle would be the breaking news CNN chyron “President Trump found dead in bed, KFC chicken wing lodged in his trachea”. I would burn down my Christmas tree for it, if there was a God that could thus be moved.
Can you use some of that critical thinking to write a proper sentence, so the rest of us can understand what you’re going on about?
If Roma Downey didn’t throw a punch and then yell, “You just got touched by an angel bitch!” she really missed a golden opportunity.
Sounds like more of a “you not understanding what lore is” problem.
Yes. Honestly, you probably are the only one who is troubled by this.
That's not a Pain Elemental, that's my wife!
Also Doom 2 is from 94. 95 was for the mac version.
^-This guy Dooms.
god damn it, thanks!