It’s a stolen base when it happens on a 1-1 count, like it did here.
It’s a stolen base when it happens on a 1-1 count, like it did here.
Why is trans actor in quotes? They’re not fucking unicorns, you can easily find them on your TV if so inclined.
Damn, I didn’t know The Square™ had a kinja account.
Oh, you mean the guy who called The Darkside Chronicles a male hemp plant doesn’t want to explain why he doesn’t understand what adaptation means? I’m shocked.
And what are you saying is being adapted? Specific levels? Stages?
No, if it’s a comic about the events of RE2, that’s what’s known as an adaptation. Because that’s a different medium. If it’s just recounting the events, that’s a flashback.
It literally has a section that retells the events of Resident Evil 2, along with one that retells the events of Code: Veronica. Even by your own limited definition of the word “remake”, The Darkside Chronicles fits the bill. Hell, the format—an on-the-rails shooter—was chosen specifically because it allowed the…
Oh, so you contend Darkside Chronicles wasn’t a remake because it was an action shooter. Right, because the main Resident Evil series has never counted any of those among its entries.
Except they didn’t just remake one map, one time. They’ve repeatedly remade entire sections of the game and had subsequent games take place there, fleshing out the world in the process. You’re thinking remake has only one definition, that of entirely redoing the game. That’s not only a very narrow definition, it…
So you’re saying they’ve never remade any part of Resident Evil 2 since originally releasing the game in 1998?
Trump’s not going to fuck you, dude.
I really liked it. Though, that could be because I got my preferred ending on my first try, before I went looking for the others.
Wow. That is...hilariously weird.
I’d say the Spider-Verse connections make it more likely to be a rights issue. Why clear the rights to the Raimi suit, promoting a trilogy of films that are more than a decade old, when you have new films (Homecoming & Spider-Verse) you can plug instead?
You bastard.
No, “have” is correct.
Hi, Filip, how’s the job search going?