
Counterpoint: I’m not sure you paid attention to the nuances yourself there.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

How do they work?


It was the juggalos. They did this. Somehow.

Reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s bit about white people getting drunk and joke-voting for Jesse Jackson, only to wake up the next day and find out he won.

Followed closely by “Hold my beer!”

Q: What are all Trump supporters’ last words?

Dumb people do dumb things.

Tim League has to go.

Also it’s surfaced that League asked one of Faraci’s victims specifically to keep quiet about her experience:

Jontron plans to address this in his next video, so we’ll have to wait a few years.

The concept of “real work” is almost always invoked to degrade people and put them down. I work very hard for my money, in a profession everyone finds respectable and admirable (despite what my user name and image might lead you to believe). But I have never felt the need to put someone else down for how they make

Despite the stigma directed at sex workers, Morbid feels that camming is more accepted than streaming as ‘real work’

Yes but by choice!

Foxcatcher was a laugh riot IMO.

He was a carpenter in his early appearances, but I think they made him a plumber later

Man, I’m reminded of an old flash game, Faith Fighter. A friend and I used to play that for hours, and it would ususlly devolve into seeing who could spam their broken special the most.

“It is true what they say: Men are from Omicron Persei 7, women are from Omicron Persei 9.”