
Raaay. That extortionate price really seems worth it now that we’ve got eight apps that utilise it. Lol

Ewww. I’m not sure Apple are the people to teach you to code. Especially not after #gotofail.

Yes the Surface Pro 4 is incredibly drool worthy. Unbeatable in it’s class I’d say.

Yes the Surface Pro 4 is incredibly drool worthy. Unbeatable in it’s class I’d say.

Ah yes, Mark Zuckerberg, because he’s always had our interests at heart as opposed to his own.

Apple are now like your fat balding uncle that Dad dances at the wedding. U2 are a perfect fit for them.

Dude YOU are full of Shit! Everyone had full metal laptops before Apple. Do us all a favor and Fuck off you Cunt. With the heavily flawed arguments that you are touting, you really need to do one.

You are a Fucking Crackhead Whore. Cunts like you spreading Troll shit like this is what’s ruining this forum.

You are Fucking joking aren’t you? Apple have consistently exhibited the fact that they don’t give a Fuck about security. Remember the #gotofail debacle? Apple sat on their asses and did Fuck all until the media called them out. You my friend are Fucking deluded.

So you’d much rather bend over and let Apple take you on a daily basis. That’s cool, the rest of us we’ll just get on with our lives whilst you get a hammering on a daily basis.

Hey Dork. There’s something wrong with your Fucking Keyboard. Ya might want to send it back to Crapple or Linux or whichever shonky shady company you bought that shit off. It appears to be typing $ instead of an S. Cunts like you make me larff. Thinking you’re all relevant and shit.

I believe people dumped Final Cut Pro when Apple dumped the Pro functionality of it.

Interesting. You’re not talking about any developers that I know.

Educational institutions? Are you on crack? I know of absolutely no educational institutions that have Macs. They can’t afford them.

They’ve already got form on Broken Promises and shady practices.

Pretty much. That’s been their whole argument for years. Take something that already exists, do your own copy and then claim whatever it is that you copied never existed.

I wonder if the driver cares now? ;-)

True, and what with Apple having being caught using patents that they shouldn’t have been using, who are they to criticise.

Especially when you copy off a company that itself copies others.

In answer to your question Philip Smith... ARE WE FUCK... ARE WE FUCK...

What about the #gotofail bug then? A bug caused by sloppy programming which opened up the whooooooooooole Apple eco-system to exploitation, but Apple sat on it and did nothing. Absolutely nothing until they were shamed by the media. It got so bad that even Gizmodo called them out on it. That’s been Apple’s method for