
Such a big deal that they actually did a press conference in order to deal with it where instead of actually dealing with it, they tried to cast shit on everyone else. If it was not such a big deal they’d have done Fuck all, which is what they always do.

Ah, the old, you’re holding wrong con. ‘Ain’t it grand knowing that Apple don’t give a Fuck about you.

You’re obviously just using it wrong.

Just waiting for that Fucker JNemesh to come and rag all over this just like he blurts on permanently about Microsoft. Oh what’s that JNemesh Google wouldn’t do this? Now go Fuck yourself you Fucking arsehole.

Actually sounds like you’re talking about OSX.

Definitely not. Apple are the guy approaching middle age, who’s still wearing skinny jeans because he still thinks he’s cool whilst everyone else can see the truth.

Bollocks. You’re about the only one that’s saying that it’s a niche. It’s so Fucking niche that everyone’s been trying to copy it.

To be quite honest, most things are faster than your Macbook Pro.

Let ‘em do it. At least then we’ll know where they are and can get them all in one go. Simples.

No, not at all. What apps are you looking for?

He’s obviously not spent too much time on here then, otherwise he’d realise that given the actual ‘tech knowledge’ here, even if they were planning to do it, they’d never get past the stage of ‘ooh shiny shiny Apple’.

Fuck off you jumped up cunt.

You really are talking out of your ass now. Nothing tops pureview.

So. After those years of all of those Fuckers reviewing the Surface line’s mocking the fact that you had to pay for a keyboard. Can they now hang their heads in shame, will they now all stand up and admit how MS got it right whilst they were talking out of their asses?

Guy’s just a troll

Yeah but you’re just a Troll Cunt so Fuck off.

Bollocks. The iPad Fucking Pro is only competing with windows RT, they are direct comparisons and the only direct comparisons that have any validity. That’s why everyone was so underwhelmed by the iPad pro, as the only equivalent machine around was a machine that is no longer made. That’s where Apple completely fucked

That’s the kind of thing that Giz have been doing for years with Apple’s gear. If Apple are getting a taste of their own medicine then Fuck ‘em. I can’t think of a company that deserve this more.

Baaaaaaa... That’s a lot of wool.

Glad you agree with me. No License fee.