
You mean bring Windows Mobile Live photos to Android. Windows had this for over a year before iOS ‘invented’ it. Christ, what’s the Fucking point?

The Fucking Graun is an Apple house. They love Apple, you only have to look at their posts on Apple and you’ll see. Every single device in their offices are Mac’s and the majority of their staff have iPhones. The thing that the Graun don’t like are people that don’t pay their Fucking taxes, as it Fucks over the people

Ah, the iTard apologists are out in force.

Facebook banning terrorism is bollocks. They don’t give a Fuck about anything other than clicks. Several times I’ve reported blatant racism or abuse and their standard answer is, ‘doesn’t go against our rules’. Fuck ‘em, butch of Jerks.

Never has a truer word (or lot of words) been spoken, at least not by Gizmodo anyway.

How long till they cancel this one?

Meh! My Girlfriend regularly has to suffer worse... especially when we’ve had beans for tea.

Interesting how the company widely regarded as having an appalling track record with concern to security historically, now are jumping on this bandwagon. I get the feeling that they’re desperately trying to claw back some of their ‘against the man’ status, now that they most definitely are ‘the man’.

Meh. I’mma save $189 dollars on it, by not buying it. Bargain.

Meh. I’mma save $189 dollars on it, by not buying it. Bargain.

Christ! You mean there are cretins that believe this cunt?


If you ever wanted proof that Gizmodo were getting back handers from Apple, this is it.

Why don’t they just do what they normally do, get someone else to develop it, copy it and then sue them?

That’s what I love about Republicans. They’re such Fucking rabid paranoids that you only have to mention anything and they get their panties in a twist. Dumb Fuckers.

Where’s bloody Scrooge when you need him

That’s as maybe, don’t know for sure, but I do know that researchers have found that most of those watches were resold within around two months as their owners couldn’t see the point.

Why give people better battery life when you can sell it to them instead.

They’re obviously not to British otherwise it would be Sorry you’re about to get shot down, sorry, no really terribly sorry, sorry... ‘err sorry.

Looking forward to reading about their ideas on Tourism... could be interesting.

Can’t sell? Really? I’m seeing more and more in the wild in the U.K.