You mean bring Windows Mobile Live photos to Android. Windows had this for over a year before iOS ‘invented’ it. Christ, what’s the Fucking point?
You mean bring Windows Mobile Live photos to Android. Windows had this for over a year before iOS ‘invented’ it. Christ, what’s the Fucking point?
Meh. I’mma save $189 dollars on it, by not buying it. Bargain.
Meh. I’mma save $189 dollars on it, by not buying it. Bargain.
They’re obviously not to British otherwise it would be Sorry you’re about to get shot down, sorry, no really terribly sorry, sorry... ‘err sorry.
Ewww. I’m not sure Apple are the people to teach you to code. Especially not after #gotofail.
Yes the Surface Pro 4 is incredibly drool worthy. Unbeatable in it’s class I’d say.
Yes the Surface Pro 4 is incredibly drool worthy. Unbeatable in it’s class I’d say.
I wonder if the driver cares now? ;-)
No, no they didn’t. What they made, which is the most embarrassing bit, is they made a Surface RT. This is in no way a Surface Pro. A Surface Pro can run full desktop applications, this can’t
‘Not having kids, so no, not worried about it’
Ah yes, of course, because it might be. Not because it is, but because it might be. Lets do nothing because it might be.
Who’s playing the strawman card here? Only person I see doing that is yourself.
Does it? Got any stats proving that?
1: Don’t buy an iPhone... there I fixed the list.
Should just fucking quarantine all of the Anti-vaxers. Fuck 'em if they want to risk themselves then let 'em, just don't let 'em mingle with the rest of the world just in case they catch something.
Don't bother... probably just about sums it up.
The best way that they can do that is by not using Apple Maps. Either Google or Bing maps would do, at least you'd get there then.