
You mean Lumia style live photos as my windows phone has been doing this for years.

By iOS-like, do you actually mean Lumia-like since Lumia had “live photos” a year and a half before iOS did?

talk about a niche market. it seems the people that have android likely wouldn’t use itunes. I still dont see the use of getting an ipad device as my phone does everything i need to do and my pc does the rest. if i need my pc portable, i use free app called teamviewer to connect to my pc remotely.

Why on Earth would anyone want to do this? The joy of Android is not needing that hare-brained piece of malware to put music on your mobile device. Drag and drop does the job just fine...

Your answer is a load of shit.

Thanks for your awesome research but why bring in antisemitism here? Apple is no semitic company or what.. Using the antisemitism card will only degrade your proposition.

When did criticizing Apple become antı-semitism? I have not been paying attention lately so I’m sure I missed something. I would say something about Samsung’s tax issues but I don’t want to be labeled Islamophobic.

I got raked over the coals for calling this product what it is. Stupid.

Honest question:

Beats 1 is basically the same thing as every top 40 station you can listen to for free over basic radio. Until Apple Music can get something to compete with SiriusXM’s Liquid Metal station, I’ll pass.

Man, I’m all for people doing their time, but if they take someone who has been obeying the law since being released, has a job, etc back off the streets and throw them in jail because of this, that's the lowest of the low and total bullshit.

What he didn’t say was “We pay every tax dollar we owe, and thanks to lobbying, we write the tax laws so we owe very little.”

If he did this interview to try to gain any redemption for apple, it backfired. Apple has the money and power to move all of its manufacturing to the US and still be profitable enough to pay the taxes it should as a U.S.-based company.

Exactly, and his response is typical corporate crap.

He’s dodging is political crap. Apple pays every tax dollar it owes...which is very little since the lion’s share of Apple’s profits are held in Ireland through a sophisticated tax loophole.

You’re that creepy uncle everyone talks about right? ;-) Seriously, it’s gadget sight...they do promotions and plugs sometimes....just saying.

I mean, Gizmodo is a blog about companies making interesting technology. Google and Microsoft did cool stuff this year.

Actually, Blackberry still leads the security market and this article is about security and privacy within the mobile space.

The world isn’t black and white. You do need to practice discretion and it is a delicate balance. Apple is green to this type of security and its showing in the blanket approach that is being

A waterproof iPhone does not agree with the business model; people break an iPhone and they replace one, at full cost, without batting an eye - no other option but to replace it with another iPhone.

All sarcasm aside, witht the cahrging system and potted chip of the watch I would expect this generation of iPhone to be

The point, informative. Like how it informed me that they had a law that forbade black people from living in their state. I had no idea, I know I can not be the only one.