
There’s no Fucking licence charge for Christs sake. Ostriches will be ostriches.

Funny, because the phone with the original death grip problem was supposed to be able to make calls but that didn’t pan out did it? Apple have a history of making stuff that’s supposed to do this, that or the other but doesn’t.

Really? That’s the best you could come up with? Did you do the same with the complete fuck up that Apple made with IOS8 and subsequently also with IOS9?

You’d think I had enough shit coming out of me normally... Do we really want to release that much bile out into the world by feeding me more bran flakes? ;-)

I just wish I could get my bloody Cholesterol down. :-(

Pretty well thanks. Extraordinarily enough I have text book blood pressure.

What? Again?

Yeah, I said I couldn’t see the point. I never said anyone that could was a Cunt, even thought that’s what you’re proving yourself to be. And if you could actually Fucking read, you would see that I said I could see it in Enterprise scenarios. But you, no, you just wanted to be that Keyboard warrior, sitting in their

When I first read this I though meh... so what, then I re-read it and realised the human power bit and thought... Shit that’s amazing.

Yes it is a difficult concept for you to understand you Fucking Gimp. And I quote, directly from your piece of snark post.

Oh that’s okay then. You think its great so it must be you Fucking Cunt. Fuck off and tell someone that gives a Fuck you jumped up Cunt.

Ingress, I can definitely see.

I have a friend with the original Google Glass. I saw him for the first time in ages a while ago and he let me have a go. It was awful, I just couldn’t see the point. I can see it for enterprise in certain scenarios but good God it was bad.

It’s definitely a winner. It’s also a very very old word, apparently.

And right here, right now, there’s one huge cunt. Hello cunt.

So they’re only shit now instead of being fucking embarrassing?

Last to the show. You really are on Fucking Crack. They had in car systems way before Apple did you clown. Get back to the fucking gutter.

It’s probably because there are so many gaps left by the iFans trolling Android posts.

Funnily enough, the only person looking bad here is you, ya cunt.

Nothing to do with this, the CEO is still a complete Cunt.