
Thank-God. I’ve been thinking lately that someone ought to invent a way to stream content over the Interwebz. It’s the Twenty First century you’d have thought that someone would have invented streaming by now /s

‘Not having kids, so no, not worried about it’

Ah yes, of course, because it might be. Not because it is, but because it might be. Lets do nothing because it might be.

Who’s playing the strawman card here? Only person I see doing that is yourself.

Does it? Got any stats proving that?

The iPhone doesn’t even come close to the best pocket cam ever. Nokia took that crown when they produced their Pureview functionality.

What do you expect from Giz? If it ‘aint, Apple it aint nutthin as far as Giz is concerned.

You win the Internets today. Best comment.

No. I wanted to hate Lock Stock, but was dragged along to see it and ended up loving it. Haven’t been able to watch him in anything ever since.

Fuck off you cunt! You obviously are of the denying camp

Not precisely with the stylus, but Apple’s been pulling up so many flaws lately and Samsung seem to be copying.


Yeah, Jobs said that whilst producing a phone that at first was terrible at actually making phone calls, then was terrible due to a poorly designed antenna, then had alarm problems which didn’t get fixed for over a year etc. The list is endless.

They’re just copying Apple with their flaws.

It’s exactly the same with every Apple Fanbois every time they have issues.

Yes, that would be cool. I’m liking the Hello feature.


I see what you mean.

What, you mean via the phone?

How do you mean?