
Yeah, there’s quite a few of us fans.

In my experience, not with regards to the iPhone, but with any other tech where there’s a recall, even if its fine now, send it in. Chances are if it’s not misbehaving now, it’ll start just after they shut down the recall programme.

1: Don’t buy an iPhone... there I fixed the list.

Ah, an apologist. Keep buying the crap and believing the propaganda.

Meh, Apple have never been a company to step up to the plate with regards to any kind of dodgy behaviour. So long as they get their bucks that’s all they care about. Everyone knows that.

Yeah, but you’re a cunt so no one listens to you.

Good God NO!

This ‘Complete Guide’ isn’t very complete as it’s missing my OS. Bit crap really.

You are talking completely out of your Ass. I’d give up before you really embarrass yourself.

What we know: It will over promise but under deliver. The end.


Damn indeed... Indeedy do.

Yeah but you’re a cunt, and I’m not.

‘Apple Pay’s fingerprint authentication is already miles better than the laughable magnetic strip’. I’d argue that it’s not already better than the touch to pay system that I’ve been using for years now. True story, I stood behind someone in a queue at a till in my local supermarket who was trying to pay with Apple

Because it has all of the features of a pro camera and is only $2.99

Have you tried ProShot? That pretty much gives you access to a myriad of settings.

Is that kind of how the paying with my iPhone will save me more time? You know, the time it takes for me touch my card against the reader compared to the time it takes me to unlock my iPhone with my thumb or finger and then touch the reader... oh yes, so much quicker when you wear your rosy tinted Cupertino specs.

Best tip is to get a Windows Lumia. Awesome cameras.

It will be interesting to watch them switch from the bloated pile of bile that Chrome now is to Edge.

Now all they need to do is make it so that using the maps on iOS actually manage to direct you to the right town... hell actually it would be nice if they directed you to the right country.