
Ain’t gonna help with iOS’s insane insistence on holding on to the first Wifi signal it comes across and not letting it go even when it’s no longer around. There’s an NHS trust in the UK that suffers from this. They’ve got a very well scoped Wifi network set up so that you would never need to lose signal, but the

Sure, the actual take ups of Windows 10 and the acclaim it’s getting completely blow that theory out of the water.

You could always try to download the Lenovo drivers, see if that makes any difference. Have you had any updates yet? There was quite a big one sometime this week, I think.

My does automatically. You might just need to wait a couple of hours. I’ve seen that people say that the drivers install themselves, but over time.

I don’t think so. Spotify is on it, but I switched to Xbox music just out of curiosity at first, but I quite like it now. I’m on Windows Mobile 10 so have the Outlook versions of Mail and Calendar. I’d love a Sonos but can’t afford it at the mo so wouldn’t miss that. I think with the Universal apps thing it’s all

I’ve got a Yoga pro. That is awesome. Best laptop I’ve ever owned. I’m angling for a Surface Pro but don’t have the necessaries at the moment. I'm rocking a Lumia 830, which I equally love, but am intending to get the new Flagship phones when they come out.

Most definitely isn’t the first true security flaw. The #gotofail debacle didn’t even require anyone with any kind of knowledge to exploit.

You’re right, Win 10 is going to shake things up. My experience with iOS is that it’s most definitely on it’s way out, at my work place at least. We went to iPads a couple of years ago and now most of those who got them hate them. We’re moving to Windows tablets and Windows phones too.

When the NEC’s contract with Vodafone came to an end, EE won the new tender. McManus said he would have had to upgrade the NEC’s servers to handle a BlackBerry upgrade, so it was far cheaper to move to Windows Phones.

Talk louder. No one can hear you when you talk out of your ass.

That pretty much sums up how to do it.

Oh you definitely are Crack addled. Didn’t you get the message? Companies are dropping their iDevices in droves.

Are you on crack? With Apple’s current reputation for not actually making their stuff work easily with anything other than Apple stuff, and even then that’s not a guarantee and their appalling reputation for security by obscurity, the only people that will be taking this up are the usual sheep.

Sense of humour failure. Oh dear.

Oh dear... oh dear oh dear oh dear.

OMG. I can't believe someone still peddles that crap meme. OSX hasn't run bug free for many many years. You only have to do a search on the Interwebz to see that's true.

Never has a truer word been spoken. Robert A Peterson is a dick, so you can pretty well ignore him. If they'd been selling anywhere near like hot cakes then Apple would have overloaded the media with their stats. The fact that they've buried them pretty much tells you all you need to know.
