
What and allow that P.O.S. that is iTunes back on my system? You've got to be Fucking joking!

A quick fix is to put a general forward to your new Outlook address for all new E-mail for starters, then you can check how it behaves and kind of get used to it. I've got desktop Outlook too and so I just added both accounts to my desktop application and then cut and paste all e-mails from the GMail account to the


No. I think yours took that crown.

Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that. You're obviously a scientologist then.

Ages ago you say? So what, you gave it a year or so then I'm guessing because that's how long it's been out. I detect some kind of shit going on here, I'm guessing Bullshit.

Meh! I did that ages ago. I stopped using GMail and got an account.

Hello Sprint Employee, you're a Fucking moron.

Should be more.

Because... Chromebooks.

Fuck the lot of them. Fucking intolerant people need a good kick in the ass.

No ta, I'll stick with a service that won't go down the tubes in a couple of years.

Should just fucking quarantine all of the Anti-vaxers. Fuck 'em if they want to risk themselves then let 'em, just don't let 'em mingle with the rest of the world just in case they catch something.

Totally agree. Your original post has got to be about the most perfectly intellectual, political and satirical post I've seen in a long time.

No! No I won't!

Awesome. You win the Internetz today for that one.

What a cock!

Yeah, just like David Tretheway said, everywhere else it's called an extended warranty. In the U.K. I believe it's called the sale of goods act.


Well 'aint you just a charmer. A'hm sure glad you live Fucking far away from me.