
Dear oh dear oh dear.

That's easy, not much to fix. The real test is can it fix iOS or OSX. Do that and I'll really believe in miracles.

Who's talking about Samsung?

The age old answer is that 'you won't, just by looking at their own phone, everybody else will know that theirs is better than yours as yours is the iPhone.'

Along with everyone else. Fuck you, no really, well and truly FUCK YOU!

Robert A Petersen is a cock and one of the reasons that Gawker is going down the toilet.

From what I can tell Apple are still fudging the deal with regards to paying people in the free few months. I call foul then and get the feeling that Ms. Taylor managed to pick up a bundle from Apple for her silence.

Slow news day...

How long till they bin this project?

They’re making shed loads of money at the moment from Azure. They have completely changed their attitude and are looking at trying to keep people happy now whilst providing a good service. I do believe this is a totally genuine attempt to just get as many people on the same platform so that they get give a better

It’s all about getting as many people on the new Kernel which is completely new. Currently they are having to support so many legacy bits and pieces that it's difficult for them to move forward, this way managing updates and features will be easier for the developers.

Dude's a dick and just complaining for the sake of complaining

Now that is innovative.

And if you're for real, I'm calling out a Google employee.


I remember that one, awesome.

You're not wrong there.

OSX and IOS are suffering more and more of these hacks now. It’s becoming embarrassing.

That's a classy comeback if ever I heard one.

#gotofail... yep, that about sums it up #gotofail.