
Why you Trolling?

Oooh. You’re the sad bastard that’s so in the past that they have to remind everyone about the star.

I take it that they'll be using Google Maps in order to navigate their way around.

I’d say that that kind of problem is more embarrassing and of an issue when the phone you’ve bought is an iPhone 5c with NO expandable memory.

What we'll be told 'Something Magical', 'Something Revolutionary' etc. etc. What we'll actually get, something disappointing.

TLDR, written by a Cunt.

Ah yes the old 'Free' myth. Just like the free pig on their way to the slaughter house, I'm okay coz I got free board and lodging. There aint no free, you are the product and Google is busy taking your rights left right and centre but... it's okay as they've been giving you free board and lodging amirite?

That's funny coz I've killed Chrome in the name of battery life. It is without doubt the most bloated, resource hog I have ever come across. Takes ages to open and ages to do anything.

Same black fucking bezel. Have Apple patented black bezels now?

Because its a feature people want. Funnily enough, you aren't people. You're person. Don't pretend to speak for people when you can only speak for yourself. I want a touchscreen laptop particularly for music production, and there are loads and loads of reasons for other uses of it.

I think Apple already is... lol

Just make the damn thing work already. It's been a buggy pos for so long now.

Thank-you Paypal employee for your comment, your call is important to us and will be answered when we can be bothered.

Don't forget it was made with Unicorn tears.

And sometimes it even has several exclamation marks. Don't forget the place where Aluminium is pronounced correctly. ;-)

That would be why you had a shit time in London then, coz your a racist Fuck.

Sure... and that's why they patented the Rectangle.... baaaaa

This is a good idea. I c

Ah, I see you haven't been to London then. One of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world no matter where you go.

It's been happening for Fucking years. You are Fucked if you do and Fucked if you don't, main difference here as far as I'm concerned is that at least I can go for a nice walk after I've been fucked.