
Meh! Too many people whining for no reason. It's a great idea, so long as it's not just for the rich. Yes there's a housing shortage, but do you imagine for one second that if the money was diverted it would all go into affordable housing? BOLLOCKS. It would go to Housing estates for rich people with a minority a

Why? So it can look pretty but do nothing?

Don't bother... probably just about sums it up.

Aaaaaaaaaaand it's fixed. Now that's what I call a service. Wonder how Apple are getting along?

Please stop Trolling these forums. Reported.

Universal apps and that is game changing.

I get the feeling that you'll soon be following him.

Cripes. That's their fix? Why would anyone want to buy in to this company any more? It's clear they don't care.

The.. ‘It never goes wrong crowd’, admittedly that does kind of direct you to the Fruity Sheep but... let’s be fair now, it’s not just them. All tech has its off days, so don’t pretend that your particular choice never has.

Do you Fuck. You are just a Troll plain and simple. Seems like I'm not the only person that thinks so.

Sounds like a plan. Never thought of doing that. Guy is a pain.

Oh my God. Are you still around. Guys this guy is a Troll, hates Microsoft and spreads this kind of shit all the time. Ignore him, better yet, report him, eventually they'll do something about him.

Great... How long till they cancel this project?

It will be called 'Magical'. It will contain features already available on other O.S.'es which will be called 'innovative' and 'never seen before'. It will have one feature that has been available for years which will be labelled as 'for the first time ever'. It will have one 'Magical' feature which will be labelled

Because it's shit basically.

Apple have always been known for blowing smoke out of their asses. It's their whole methodology, tell everyone that the tech we've just labelled 'magical' has never existed before and everyone'll go 'oooh' I'll get me some of that.

So very very very true.

Does this mean that we can do away with the, 'if Apple make it then it's genius' bollocks?

Really? You have evidence of this?

I'm not sure if Gibbering Idiots have the kind of money required.