
Good idea and one that Apple are likely to use. It means that it'll only work with an iPhone so total lock in. I can hear the cash tills ringing already.

On the plus side, it's an Apple watch so once the thief realises what an ugly pos it is, they'll leave it.

The best way that they can do that is by not using Apple Maps. Either Google or Bing maps would do, at least you'd get there then.

You do realise that it's useless without an iPhone?

Ah yes, that would be the iPad who's sales have been sliding year on year and who lately people have been declaring as something that they keep under the sofa for the odd bit of browsing.

That'll reduce the number of apps by about 75% then.

Which makes it all the more ridiculous that on Windows, when you could have installed whatever browser you wanted, Microsoft got stiffed.

Ah you’re one of those people. You posted a Fucking picture gotten from God knows where and claimed that it proved something it didn’t... sigh.

About Fucking time. Now if we could just get them to do the same with Apple.

I was under the impression that you never had to do this with Macs. We've always been told that having to do this kind of thing was always a thing you had to do in the Windows world. Has Apple re-invented this too now?

Blah, blah, blah Unicorns... Blah, blah, blah... Magical... blah, blah, blah Re-invented... Blah, blah, blah Just works etc.

How’s that iPhone 5c going then? Eh? Didn’t get one? No, I didn’t think so as neither did anyone else. Lol, iSheep, always with the Rose tinted glasses.

If it was actually a viable alternative then I’d agree with you, but what they’ve fielded is a three legged donkey with agrophobia.

Or blah blah blah... it’s not an iPhone so it’s crap. That pretty much sums up every review of anything that isn’t an iPhone here.

Is it? Awesome. Do they have any Ocelot sharpeners there though?

All kinds of awesome.

Luckily, I bought a piece of shit network drive that barely connects to anything legitimately connected in the same building, so I think I’m safe.

Ah... ah yes, that’s clearly what’s wrong with my post. Never mind the fact that the spelling’s all Fucked beyond belief, it’s the Grammar. You must have been sniffing too much Gun oil. They surely don’t allow you to own a gun do they? I mean, Christ, you can’t even tell the difference between Grammar and Spelling.

Okay people. We’ve got a Madman here. Musta been dropped on their head as a Yoot.