
Or... I could stab myself in the eye repeatedly with a blunt ocelot... I’ll stick with the stabbing thanks, it’s less painful.

Oh, sorry, I got confused.

It’s actually been flying off the shelves. It’s had practically 5 star reviews all round, and no, no it’s not ‘sort of discontinued now’. You might like to do some research before you post.

Aren’t they just? Unfortunately, due to the fact that they invented Geniuses and that you just used that term, I, on behalf of Apple, will be obliged to sue you for a Bazillion Dollars. Don’t take it too hard, but before Apple brought the Genius to the public attention there were none. Cash or cheque, we don’t mind.

I think you may have replied to the wrong chap, old bean.

Don’t reject the hand of hope. Climb out of the pit that Uncle Apple keeps you in prior to when he makes you pucker up and blow the pipe of peace, and embrace the light. Embrace it, humanity is here waiting for you.

Sure. Okay, you need more help than they’re prepared to give you on Welfare. I understand that, you’ve been abused for a long time by Uncle Apple and it’s somehow unhinged your mind. Look don’t worry, the community is here to help you. We’ll stop Uncle Apple from abusing you any more. You no longer have to bend over

I suspect that it’s more that they pretty much know that no one’s going to queue up for this one. They’re trying to save face.

I’m detecting a little chagrin here. Bear with me here? I’m guessing that maybe, good old Uncle Apple took you to one side one day, you know in a private room and touched you? Don’t be afraid, you know, these things happen. What you really need to do now is find an Adult and tell them. You don’t have to suffer under

Interesting. So you’ll use the shit out of it for the two hours that the battery will last because you’re using the shit out of it. Interesting concept of useful.

Laptop of the future? Fuck me! I’ve already been using the Laptop of the future for several months now, it’s called the Surface Pro 3.

Never, in the field of human tech reporting has so much bollocks been written by so many so called tech journalists.

Tiresome comment from someone who has no idea of what they are talking about.

Dudes on crack. So you found out who he was and now he’s accusing you of illegally looking at his Facebook account. Lol. Retard.

Please stop Trolling these forums. It’s getting tiresome. Reported.

Well what do you know? So the actual iWatch is only going to be a little smaller than the original prototype.

Please stop trolling these forums. It’s getting tiresome.

God forbid that any of the Trolls that frequent this place would understand the difference.

Nah. We just come here for the truth, not the Rosy tinted glow.

'Slow, buggy and plagued with memory leaks', that pretty much describes iTunes. Used both and nothing... NOTHING is worse than iTunes.