
Steering wheel controls. Volume is an easy one, as is next track and back track, attenuate, mute, etc.

Definitely Won The Australian Open While Pregnant

Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said.

Honestly I don’t find Blaze much worse looking that an Apple Watch. They should all really ditch the square shape though.

we have the technology to fly airplanes but no way to tell how many tickets we’ve sold.

Yeah, it’s a weird metric since it’s only ‘sold’ cars so it doesn’t include any where the owner keeps driving it well over 200k as well as it does stuff like lump first gen Taurus-s (Taurai) in with the new ones.

Would be better titled ‘Name-plates people are most likely to buy even if they have over 200k miles’ than

Except for that last one (thanks, Texas climate!!), that exact thing has happened to me. Line for line.

  • Be in not-NYC

Mission Workshop Rambler

Mission Workshop Rambler

Please do NOT give us Young Morpheus

As a t-mobile user, that’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s pretty great, except for me, because I want all of the HDs.

Is T-Mobile changing the limit really news? AFAIK they’re just basing it on how much data the average customer uses so it’s going to constantly change. It’s gone nothing but up as I remember it being 22GB a few months ago. They are using the same definition of unlimited now as they were then. It is unlimited in the

Because all of those one time purchases, possibly made when the person was more financially well off (though you wouldn’t want to look that deeply into the situation, would you), are the equivelant of healthcare costs. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. You realize that any major medical emergency or operation,

Cause you should be forced to give away your healthcare because of a one-time large purchase.

I’m confused—based on the two clips, it sounds like the only thing that muted was “Fuck ’em”, which I mean of course that was muted.

The video is based on the creators’ own experiences, something I’ll make a note of in the article.

This is what we call false equivalence. Wanting characters to identify with is not the same as saying you only enjoy characters you identify with.

How different are these from from Google glass?

They are 99% Cheaper!!!

The big thing I learned from this video was that they pronounce their own brand as “Ox-O” instead of “O-X-O”

The big thing I learned from this video was that they pronounce their own brand as “Ox-O” instead of “O-X-O”