
Waiting to see if a backlit keyboard is on offer, otherwise for nought.

Incorrect, Boyo. That sticks with you until your death, as stipulated by the great state of North Carolina. You’ll be paying that debt until the end.

That pic’s from Det. Lemm’s funeral back in 2015.

Of course you should use emergency savings to pay off credit card debt!!! If an emergency comes up, the newly available credit can always be drawn down again and you’re in no worse a position than when you started.

Well, it’s not a hybrid, so...

I’ve an app that does that. It’s called “Shut the Fuck Up and Quit Clicking on Articles You Don’t Want to Read”. It works great.

The 1989 tour was also a stadium tour....

So Disney will have two streaming services, Hulu and whatever they come up with.

My name is there for net neutrality, and somebody with my name from another state posted a form letter against the Obama administration’s “overreach” and against net neutrality.

That’s what I do. I have an over-the-door two hook rack and use one for jeans/sweatpants and one for shirts. It helps me keep fewer things on there and remember to wear them again instead of breaking out something clean.

How does this make sense? All riders pay with card. How would they know if you were paying cash? And if you do this is a huge liability. The driver would technically be uninsured and personally liable for all damages in an accident.

The second video actually says 720 people per hour around the 10 second mark. I’m not sure how they get to that number.

As a seriously claustrophobic person this is all kinds of nope. What’s next? MRI World?

How do we know for sure these aren’t just refurbed Galaxy Note 7s???

How do we know for sure these aren’t just refurbed Galaxy Note 7s???

Real estate brokers, working in cahoots with banks and governments, redlined the country and kept segregation going even until now. In short, nobody cares what you think.

1) The dog is sitting in a bed of relish

Except that A LOT of people are already paying for the “safety” features like lane departure warnings and etc that adds more than $1000 to the cars as a option.

I can’t speak for the other two but Strava syncs with Fitbit directly.

If you’re going to buy and wear a Fitbit, why wouldn’t you want to use their app? It was designed to go with the device. It’s like complaining that Fire TV doesn’t let you rent movies from Apple. If you’re really that Applecentric you can’t bear to use Fitbit’s app, is $2 that big a deal? Why wouldn’t you just stick

Just toss several common purchases into the truck with them when they come to your place, so they can say “just in case you want the Samsung Galaxy Tab I recommended to you, I already have it with me here! In fact it would take more effort to get it out of your home and I’d have to charge you for that too.”