
Bro - the cable was short because you plugged it into the side of the keyboard not the actual computer

Is the image on the card a kid saluting a dead cops casket???????????

I did monthly for a while, every other month, because I couldnt swing the annual at the time and I really wasnt buying all that much on amazon that couldnt wait until the next month.

This increase means my strategy would come within $9 of just paying the annual price instead of $23 annual savings

I bought a working Lisa from a local print shop that was closing down in 2005 for $50 and it was fun to play around with the OS for a couple days before flipping it on ebay to some guy in France for 1k but all in all, IMHO, if youve used a Mac Classic its the same fucking thing

I saw Last Jedi and my local science center on their newly renovated used-to-be-a-dome-but-now-its-just-a-giant-imax theater and there were no. commercials! no trailers! just the movie!! and the IMAX 3D tix were $10 for a matinee - it was insane. So maybe look into a science center near you showing first run movies

Nope. 4x people per tube, 3 tubes in there at once. You’re launching a new tube every 40seconds. 3600 seconds in an hour so 90tubes an hour, 360 people.

Try $20. You have to get Verizon’s “beyond unlimited” to have features closer to what T-Mobile gives you with their One plans. Which also now include Netflix once you have 2lines

or many of these jobs are out on the road behind the wheel so they do not count against office space

well i guess its good Amazon does their own deliveries now too a la an Uber model


all of the “knobs” youre missing are now on the steering wheel. Track control, volume control, temperature control, phone call controls. if you have a car made after 2010 it should have all of those on the steering wheel now, if not thats on you for getting a car that didnt come with that

Yep! After that whole this-was-installed-with-QuickTime fiasco they killed it

Does that work for iPhones??

Ok so like a live action animatrix??

For me it boils down to the fact that you can only get Safari on Macs so if you have PC or Chromebook or Linux or whatever you need to use Chrome to be able to sling pages from one to the other

I can see your argument a la ‘bundling’ but I disagree that TMobs was more sketchy.

eh. speed is there and coverage indoors has gotten WAY better [plus the fact that calls work on WiFi which AFAIK ATT doesnt let you do] but coverage OVERALL still has some dead spots. it has gotten way better though

yeah the first tweet doesnt have enough context