
No.. I need voicemail. It is the only way I can tell the difference between the half dozen robo/spam calls and actual people I get daily. Now of the dozens or more call blocker apps, one was perfect, I would take that. ;)

This is a solid and fair point. But one issue is that “proper airlines” are starting to resemble flying busses.

Actually one of the big issues is consumer mentality. A discount airline is meant to be treated like a flying bus. Just to take you to a destination and just carrying a backpack.

I looked at your commenting history. This is your shtick.

Stop looking for international videos on a website that is US-based, written by US-authors, and caters to a largely US-based audience!

I have noticed that the Echo has a very weird AI issue regarding playing music. You ask it to play and extremely popular song, and it will find the must obscure song possible with the same name. It is really kind of baffling. My kid had called up more than one profane, obscure rap song with a similar title to a top 40

This has a lot to do with each individual company’s ping radius. I’m not sure how big that radius is for any given company, but I’ve used most of the services close to me, and I know the initial ETA for a driver has been as high as ten minutes. In two minutes driving, I can get to a great neighborhood, or a very

The funny thing is, there’s an episode of Futurama that calls sex “snoo snoo”

The DNC nominated the person who got the most votes. By a lot.

If you want to cast aspersions, though, cast aspersions on the people in the Democratic party who were secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for a Trump nomination, because they thought he’d be a walkover.* Cast aspersions on the people inside the Clinton

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Sounds like someone needs a coffee table.

Sounds like someone needs a coffee table.

You are. Go away.

Chrissy Teigan is beautiful and witty and eloquent so you shut your mouth.

Why can’t people drive slow?

Goddamn, those are UGLY. And they’re $100; honestly, I’d pay the extra $70 just to avoid being seen with these.

There are a lot of older GM cars on the streets (‘03 Chevy Cavalier here), but they have invariably been through multiple hands, as they are the very epitome of “throwaway”.

Nothing like 48 year old white dude streamers talking about custom coils to makes teens have that scrunched up “omg who farted in here” face and ditch vaping.

It’s 100% because it’s no longer cool. Look at all the memes making fun of vaping. Teens care about that shit.

14 hours from NYC