
In this “Switch World” there are no children, just young adults.

I completely agree about Google Reader — and just as completely agree about Feedly haha. But the one web service I miss most is Posterous. No, other service seemed to do as good a job at cross posting to all of your social networks. Add the fact that it also served as a blog/record of your posts, and you have a

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You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.

It sure is.

This is a weird fucking picture

Oh no the adaptor is in the box. It’s on the backside of the card holding your lightning EarPods

doesn’t prevent it unfortunately. I got harassed on three separate occasions by NYC taxi drivers.

Riding in front is not uncommon. And it certainly doesn’t mean you consent to genital grabbing. So your point is moot.

The black iPod video also disagrees. The black iPod classic was better but that iPod video was a scratch magnet man.

The original iPod Nano disagrees

Adventure Time is definitely not exclusive to stoners, lol.

You must be typing that from work ;)

Serious question: I’m in my early 40s. I used to love the Simpsons and Futurama, but they either got less funny or I just got old. I still have a pretty stupid sense of humor, but am not at all into weed culture. Will I like Adventure Time?


This seems kind of dumb on the drivers’ parts. Giving me a sales pitch while I’m trapped in the back seat is most certainly one thing that would cause me to give the driver a poor rating.

Where I work, in a school, teachers work up until the last possible moment (I’ve known some who work past their due date) to maximize their leave after the birth. Completely different job category, quality of benefits etc. Still happens.


that poor me Kaepernick, Beyoncé, Jesse Williams, Jada Pinkett Smith race card

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