
No years listed either. Are these all for brand new cars or for ones that were new ten years ago?

This is a terrible chart. It isn’t in any meaningful order so you have to look through all of it just to see if your vehicle made the cut to be on the list.

to the folks on here hating because the cyclist never “worked” a day in his life: your emotional reaction to this story has everything to do with your own internal state and your own dissatisfaction with some part of yourself. deep down, i bet several of you are jealous that you chose not to lead this kind of

I believe the device you’re looking for is a Sony Tablet P:

Wouldn’t that also increase the price of the device drastically?

Binged the first two seasons of Better off Ted on Netflix and fell in love.

I only wish Mr. Kaepernick we as police officers, ostensibly dedicated civil servants, could see the emotional and psychological challenges that our officers citizens in the communities we are entrusted to serve face following a fatal encounter with the worst of our officer representatives, in addition to daily

he took a wheel in ibiza

Two thoughts:

It’s also a story about Expedia, which is a website-based service, you ignorant douche.

Or you could, you know, just skip the story and move on with your life if the content doesn’t interest you.

I don’t think the article makes this clear, but Uber “subsidizes” drivers in a couple ways - offering huge bonuses to people who sign up and referral bonuses to people who get their friends to sign up, and with guaranteed hourly rates to keep up supply when the demand doesn’t necessarily support it.

How about CTEball?

By rotating it, it gets away from the imperialist control of the event. If you picked 5 locations for both winter/summer games across the separate continents (like the 5 rings) it could be sold as a viable option.

Give us, like, a couple weeks

Also, the Gizmodo homepage could be snazzier.

Why was Hillary having Bill solicit donations for four years to pay off her 2008 campaign debts while she was Secretary of State when they could have paid out of pocket?

It doesn’t sound like any of the rapes occurred through the Uber app- first, as you say, there’s the “no money for a ride” BS, but also the Uber app tracks the driver and their licence plate for every trip, so it wouldn’t have taken a victim remembering the licence plate number to catch him had it been happening via

Better idea: twenty cents goes to the MBTA for expansion and overhaul funds, and five cents to the state for other transportation projects.

We can see your rating when the initial ping comes through, but we’re not supposed to decline because of it. They recommend our acceptance rate stays above 90% regardless of who is asking for a ride. Mostly this lets Uber see who repeat offenders are and kick them out of being able to ask for rides.