
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

Well researched. Well written. If your out of the job next week you should send this to Algaezeera. They’d love it.

You can pay $4 extra per month not to see any ads. That’s what we do and its great.

Agreed. I work for a credit card company. It happens all the time and for a million reasons that don’t include you being a deadbeat. One time a card I had with my own company was declined. When I called in later to check it was because the post office had returned a statement. At that time part of my job included

Touting something as a safety feature but putting it behind a paywall/subscription is pretty shitty.

All of this sounds like more of an issue with you than with Jonah Hill.

Also he needs to control the beard and make it less of a neckbeard.

AHS’s problem is that each season is twice as long as it needs to be.

Actually you bring up a very good point. Search the Leaf forums. Nissan dealers are universally reviled as being completely ignorant of the Leaf, reluctant to sell it, and often times actively attempt to steer sales to other cars.

You completely missed Tesla’s point. Their cars are different because they are electric. Not because they’re high-tech or hip or whatever. What other industry forbids sales by the manufacturer? It’s political cronyism at it’s worst. “sorry sir we can’t sell you our macbook directly, visit one of our dealerships, they

wrong, frosted strawberry is the perfect flavor for a poptart shame spiral.

Dang. All I did was buy my son the industrial size box of PopTarts for his dorm room. This competition among parents is crazy.

My first thought as well.

Wow. Not that this excuses this little shitstain’s behaviour at all but with a father like that, that boy never stood a chance.

The kid’s a Pittsburgh fan, who probably at least has parents or grandparents from Pittsburgh.

A comment should never be longer than the article it is responding to...

Android user here, checked my permissions and it hasn’t. From what I’ve seen from my friendbase, so an admittedly small testing pool of 20 peeps, only ios users had this issue

Time for you to go back to The Blaze and 4chan then, asshole. No one wants you in civilized society

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

The department’s spokesperson Cpl. L’Jean McKneelytold The Advocate that officers were usually given “a day or so to go home and think about it” before being interviewed.