

Who doesn’t have Netflix??

God ain’t real, Son.”

I starred this because it’s so incoherent that it becomes awesome.

I must be getting old because I have absolutely no idea what this headline means.

Wacom replacement

I want a bigger iPad Pro. Like 16 inches minimum

Fanboy ALERT. jk

I haven’t thought much about the social and psychological implications, I just think women are generally more attractive when they aren’t wearing makeup.


His momma isn’t around anymore to give him enough attention .

I haven’t had any of these problems.

That was just fantastic. Thank you so much.

Very cool. But lifelike it is not.

The outrage machine is revving up again. Don’t worry fellow REASONABLE LIBERALS...You’re not alone.

Her voice was cracking me up too. And I am ALSO 100% on her side in the matter. SO YES. What the fuck is wrong with people?

This game takes FOREVER to get started.

If that happened the night before I would have put a camera up THAT NIGHT. So I’m calling bullshit.

People sure are into cockfighting these day...

Never used one. Because common sense.