
Roz would have been cancelled fifty times by todays standards 


computers are expensive

Whoa scary stuff

My husband is going to love this.


Better than most writers on Kotaku

this is the most depraved shit

Right. He wants everyone to think he’s some self made hardworking everyman, when in actuality he’s a douchey trust fund baby.

Having dealt with him personally, I assure you he IS a douche. 

How do you even fit 25 people into a Ford Expedition? Was there a little person convention in town? Actually this reeks of Youtubers. 

I bet you still watch Disney content.


Please don’t anyone buy this

Please don’t anyone buy this

Ok bb dats a pp

Can it zoom out? It’s making me nauseous watching you play.

This is exactly why they issue cease and desist on fan projects. 

So he made about 40 bucks then? That’ll get him by until he starts work at Home Depot on Monday.

That’s me!

Dude’s like 50... This is getting weird now.