
That looks bad. Prefer the original. 

“One of the best albums this year” lol 

Just from that linked clip he seems so obnoxious I’d almost enjoy if he lost everything on this…

Good thing you didn't click on it

After and before!

I hope they’re after and before images or my eyes are screwed

*Sees someone slam into a rock wall and flip over*
“YES! Very nice!!”

What is wrong with people?

I mean, it’s not like I’m sitting on a pile of mail that I refuse to send out of spite.

FX and local ABC, the rest I couldn’t care less. But honestly I’d rather have the price cut.

“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.

Where I live in Arizona, positive affirmations are usually racist.

Having dealt with him personally, I assure you he IS a douche. 

Mine fell apart under normal use and it took about 6 months of run around for them to replace it. They are EXTREMELY fragile. ROLI probably has the worst customer service I have ever dealt with and I shop IKEA online frequently... Buyer beware

Please don’t anyone buy this

Please don’t anyone buy this

You can owe all the money in the world, but that does not mean life is over. I wouldn’t put all the blame on Robinhood for this, though, seemed like a quick Google to sort out. The young man needed help and I’m sorry he didn’t get it.

So he made about 40 bucks then? That’ll get him by until he starts work at Home Depot on Monday.

And now they’re making up for it by building a youth center in Oakland. 

Oh for fucks sake.

I have had a couple interactions with Aurora PD and lemme tell you, they are some ASSHOLES.