
Still waiting on a more Ni No Kuni style battle system. The classic Pokemon system is tired.

I like the idea but the execution looks bad.

Pretty bad acting on display here.

The unibomber kind of had a good point.

I starred all of you because this thread is so entertaining.

That was really shitty.

Know is not spelled “no”.

Looks at least twice as good.

oh my gawd. The kids face. It’s too much. So wrong.

I really enjoyed Rage. My favorite part was how the characters actively reacted to being shot instead of just cut to death animations. It was kind of revolutionary in the way it rendered textures too. I got the impression it was a test for bigger projects down the line and that kind of proved to be true. I mean that

I’m still not desensitized to these stories. I fucking cry every goddamn time.

I wrote this lullaby for my son. It’s a little dark lol.

Haha. I literally turned it off at 1:15. I couldn’t take anymore even to satisfy my morbid curiosity.

I am personally stoked for Rage 2

Oh yes it is.....

I just want Robert Forster to live forever. Nobody else. Just Robert Forster.

When you broke character, you were much more tolerable.

Ain’t a person alive who ain’t fuckable.

I’m driving a 2018 Subaru Outback and the assist features are more dangerous than helpful.

Everybody just look away. “greatest artist of our generation....” LOL.