
Dear God. Please consult a professional before recording awful voiceovers. And please, if you have to do it yourself, don’t abuse the hipass filter like that.

Ok you PC SJW people have gone too far. We can’t even use women as sex furniture in our businesses anymore??! What’s next? Mini skirts??!

I for one won’t stop buying the games. But goddamn if I won’t load up some roms for games I’ve already bought twice.

Well they’re minorities so they are allowed to say it.

Wyatt Cenac is one of the least funny people currently getting paid to be funny.

It was kind of painful to watch it evolve. It started out as a bad impression of Leo Wichtowski and ended up as this smarmy nightmare pudding.

You must not draw many diagonal lines...

I am confident Chasm is going to be one of the best games of all time.

But are you also white?

Risk of Rain
Dead Cells

Lol. Water is not blue.

I was a day one Apple Pencil buyer. I’ve owned and messed with just about every stylus, tablet, digitizer, wacom you can think of and nothing even remotely compares. If someone says anything about those terrible Surface Pro styluses I WILL FIGHT YOU BRAH.


He is wearing it ironically. So that makes him a hipster billionaire.

Holy Shtick Ruin, Batman.

Water of pot.

Pfft. Who ties their shoes anymore?

I personally liked Pirate’s Curse the most.

He would use Sprint.

Can we give this hipster a copy of Ham on Rye and put him on a long flight to Abu Dhabi?