
He’s biracial.

Ironically OK Go also makes better music...

I like your voice.

Gross. Spread em out for crissake.

Back to basics. Great music. Great atmosphere.

Sounds like he was leaving and putting the car in neutral accidentally, got out to walk to the mailbox.

It's just going to be another wii u only this time they'll support it with decent games

You win Nintendo I’ll buy the damn console already.

Yo soy Groot

O Captain! My captain!

On the contrary: I think EVERYONE should click it.


The ghost of Kimbo Slice

So this is what Hitchens was talking about....

Clock Tower? Parasite Eve? Kid Icarus? God of War? Last of Us starring Josh Brolin and Ellen Page ten years ago?

Hellz yeah.

Good riddance. Naw just kidding. Will miss you lots.

Almost. ALMOST as bad as Keifer Sutherland’s song.

I honestly thought this was how everybody thought.

Tune in next week for the liveleak video of him getting his legs lobbed off.