
Gee I wonder who “leaked it” in the first place... “Well let’s make a CGI trailer in the next 8 hours, that’ll show em!”

But it WAS without him MOST of the time...

He wrote 3 of the episodes and directed 6. Then there was Fire Walk with Me. Other than that somebody else did the rest.

How much did he have to do with the original?

Do you have to have an Iphone to use this?

Method: Cold Turkey, misguidedly gum

Yup. They’re the reason cool stuff like NickReboot got taken out.

If you haven’t tried this game, do very much do. It’s a fantastic local multiplayer game.

Girls are weird

Go hold your breath for awhile...

I’m willing to bet that first paragraph is fictional.

Go check out Leo's videos...THAT is a voice.

You honestly don't think her career will benefit from this? Also, she CONSTANTLY FUCKING JOKES ABOUT THOSE THINGS... Whiny bullshit.

He said the only reason he said she didn't have an arm was so you wouldn't be confused if you saw her... Either way you are a bitch, she's a bitch, and bitches ain't nothin but hos.

Neither one of them is funny. But if she can't handle jokes about things she JOKES about CONSTANTLY then she shouldn't be in comedy. Watch some of her videos she makes fun of people way less fortunate than herself even. Classic case of dish-it -out-can't-take-it

Go watch some of her stand-up. She is a hypocrite.

I don't think she needed to preface her video with all that. Seeing her armless and crying was enough for me to get the point. She does need to find a new line of work though...

Sorry about your childhood. But what does that have to do with losing your arm? Don't use your sister's rape to pad your backstory. That's creepy.

Thanks Mike.