
I would literally kill for a System Shock 2 remake.

Not much of a concept either as it never maintains a perspective. I guess there is that walking bit.

If you haven't played Rochard, do it now.

I bet it will be delayed again until Christmas 2015.

He was doing the ole 'pull back the sleeve by stretching your arm' maneuver.

No dude...I think she was coming on to you.

I wish it choked and killed everyone who put it in their mouth...

Nicest guy in show business

How much assistance is that wire giving them for the speed?

These games are so boring...

We all know they have nothing to hide...Squeeeeaky clean.... Morally sound...

Outlets shouldn't wiggle like that...They should really get that checked out.

Simpson's started to suck right after that first roll of fat I bet.

You're right. And the Uncharted series would be so much better if the climbing was super slow and realistic.

Really good acting

ICO style would be dope.

Yeah, baby. I'm all worked up.

You're demo sample is your daughter's friends who likely all have EXACTLY the same interests...Meanwhile, record sales and reality beg to differ.

Just what pedestrians need...MORE distractions.