
And who's to blame for that?

Considering every (white) 12 year old I've ever met is obsessed with The Beatles, I don't think he has any trouble with that.

Why does he need so much money? I wish he would focus more on making great albums and less on capitalizing on his fame. You can't take it with you, Paul!

If you want a quick fix. Download ScummVm and DOT and use one of the super eagle video filters for higher def.

I'm sure if the artists had the ability to make it look like a straight up high res cartoon, they would have. So I don't see the harm in it.

Bruce Springsteen is his older brother... He will no doubt double cross Drake before the end.

Turns out the robot was gay.

So fake they may as well not even made it...

If only the campaign was as good as the multiplayer.

This is not Below...

Can't kill The Hydra.

I'd like to watch a deer climb a ladder.

They be books in dem 2

Daaaated. No really I did.

Stop teasing us. When is this damn thing coming to the states?

Hipster comes along and steals the girl...Reeeeeeal believable guys...

I thought Superdude didn't have powers until he went through puberty.

What's the point of a dancing character if you never see their feet...

Sex Smells