Ari Schwartz: Dark Lord of the Snark

If Dragon Age 4 ends up being Andromeda, I’d prefer it just dies and they start up a new IP.

Really weird messenger, but... agreed on the message.

Oh, my wife sees a ton of patients who need counseling on how to deal with the Trump Era.

Someone added Keanu, and I tend to agree. Heh.

True. And he kicks serious ass. Except at talking. But that’s okay, he’s John Wick.

Yeah, I agree. Your comment IS dumb.

I think at this point it might be better to publish lists of men in showbiz who HAVEN’T been complete assholes toward their female colleagues at some point.

I’ve heard it used to mean “throw a tantrum.”

Seriously, I read the title and thought one of the douchey alt-right atheist-bros crashed the party. Eww.

Parent snark is best snark. :-)

Yeah, well your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Had a kiddo, career got busier, and also just kinda pulled out of social media/blogging. 2016 was... sad.

Do not tempt the internet.

1. I’m sorry for that shittiness you experience and as the husband of a physician I regularly report these experiences to her (not as a woman of color obviously but as a reporter of it... also as a guy who’s been shit on by doctors himself!)

TBH, I wish we could have a good platform for these issues with good curated content that was written not just to outrage/clickbait, but to really drive excellent discussion.

I just don’t want to make them any money. Granted, it’s a pittance, but it’s like how Stormfront’s page views went up in 2016... :-/

“Criticize the tactics of other sites all you want, but rest assured that Gizmodo, kinja, Jezebel et. al. did it first.”

I still don’t get that epithet. I’ve seen all sorts of explanations, and none of them make sense to me.

Today or in the days of Chinatown the movie?