“All these damn kids need to get outside and get some exercise for a change!”
“All these damn kids need to get outside and get some exercise for a change!”
My money is on Google purchasing Chrysler in the long run. They know that in order to compete in the autonomous ride sharing business they will need to have vertical integration for cost purposes, and Fiat-Chrysler really needs the money. That, and I see no other American automanufacturer that they could possibly buy.
Damn, you weren’t kidding
Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.
Okay, I would absolutely take the North & South merch and the Mystery! tote bag, thanks.
I’m not sure I get the other comments to your post. People seem to be mildly hostile. Here’s the pertinent quote since Kinja seems to put things in weird order:
IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way…
I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.
But they said, Our brother and then our sister and then our brother... so seems like they were recognizing what alexis wanted.
If they would sell the unaired seasons to Netflix I would take a week off and just watch them non-stop.
Hey - 1) You don’t have to be american to love watching Simone Biles. 2) We came in second on the gold leaderboard which is a pretty decent result when you consider relative population sizes, there were some very watchable Team GB performances. 3) Most of the olympics was on at 3am here so most people watched that…
No duh. Most compelling show going - BBC One is missing out on not selling streaming version to those of use across the pond who don’t want to wait until NEXT year before we can watch the latest season. I spent about an hour looking for streaming versions before I gave up last night. It does make me cook/bake more...
PBS’s website and Youtube!
It is the polar opposite. At least I think as I watched 5 minutes of Gordon Ramsey and turned it off immediately.
Mel and Sue are hands down the best hosts on television. I just hope Iain is doing okay:
I’m not surprised. I watch this show because it’s soothes me, the countryside shots...the calming voices...the sweets. It’s like the equivalent of a white noise generator.
I was a Chetna-head. And of course, the co-host Sue Perkins*, who I’ve been crushing on since “The Supersizers Go...”
My mom got me hooked on that show. It is the SHIT. Between the dessert porn and the hosts, I love it. And I find the overall tone of the show really refreshing - there is zero personality-based drama, no yelling and no tantrums, unlike on American reality TV.
I don’t blame them. Hell, some of that baking needs to be IN the Olympics. Making a cake inside of a cake inside of a pie on top of a donut is amazing.*
I am obsessed with GBBO. I want Mary Berry to give me a hug, I want to get pissed with Mel and Sue, and of course I want to fuck Paul Hollywood silly.