I’m shouting into the void because I never get out of the grays... but this is a dumb thing to complain about. Or I’m missing obvious sarcasm.
Are we being fucking serious right now? The “man” in No Man’s Sky is there because that’s how we’ve always referred to the entire human race. “MANkind.” “huMAN.” Hell, even “woMAN.” “Man” in the name for something doesn’t always mean a “woMAN” is being left out. For fuck’s sake...come down off the cross, use the wood…
“Why isn’t it called No Woman’s Sky?”
Man as in mankind...Booby Finger, perhaps if you got off your feminist high horse for a minute and joined the real world, you might have made that leap of even slight logical intelligence.
Because it plays on a colloquialism?
That second play through sounds like a perfect relax and unwind game. Maybe not a $60 game, but a game that will be worth picking up later and then spending dozens of hours inside.
Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it. I always offer to bring something to functions because it’s polite. If it’s a big get together, like more than 30 people, I think it’s not very fair to ask guests to bring food for that many. Idk I mean if someone invites me over and is giving me some kind of food or booze i feel like…
This is excellent. I kind of want to do something similar to this- a “birth” announcement upon completion/acceptance of my thesis. It’s my baby, dammit. I’ll obnoxiously post photos of me cradling and staring down at the hardcover bound book, listing all the details like, “she’s a solid 1.5 lbs, 8.5 x 11 inches, with…
This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).
I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.…
Absolutely not. We her, and need more people like her, in lower courts, where day-to-day decisions get made.
Pattern sizes aren’t based on RTW clothing sizes— they date back to their heydey in the 1950s. All cups are B Cups, for instance. The big pattern companies, like McCalls, are seeing competition from smaller boutique operations that can run on the web. This means they’re making more patterns that fit a variety of…
And the books! I devoured every single American Girl book when I was a kid. I remember when Addy came out (hi, I am old) and being so excited that there were new books I could read.
I DO know a little girl who’s parents bought her a Bitty Baby. It’s still her favorite doll which is sweet, because it looks like it’s gone through a hurricane at this point.
To be fair, elementary schoolers in public school generally learn all those things from the same teacher, someone who is not necessarily a specific expert in those topics but teaches them lessons based on a curriculum. Once you get more into high school, though, specific topical expertise seems like it would be more…
I had friends who were home schooled, they were better off in those subjects than ~75% of our peers who graduated from the public school I went to, and I did not go to a “bad” public school, I went to a public school that scored in the top 1% of all public schools in Minnesota on standardized tests 3 of the 4 years I…
I’ve done a year of homeschool with my daughter. She completed two grades. She went from barely reading to a very advanced level (turned 7 last month and she’s read five Harry Potter books). She writes at an advanced level. She knows her times tables and has full understand of math concepts a year ahead of where she’d…
I have strong (and strongly biased) feeling on this subject because I and my siblings were homeschooled through the end of eight grade back in the 80s/early 90s. My parents homeschooled us because they were conservative Christians and didn’t want us corrupted by the evil influences of “the world” (which also meant…
I’ve noticed that when I am driving between home and work (about 10 km) and I leave the app open (hands off of course!) it will count some of the low speed sections as walking. Over the 10km I can easily hatch a 2Km egg. Crawling morning traffic is perfect for this.