“...not filling their heads with useless ideologies.”
It said without recognizing it is already doing that to its own children via religion. These people have zero self awareness.
This fall, on USA Network: introducing... “Umami & Tang”
Do you know how much 1300 bucks helps when making a down payment on a house - that’s right, not at all.
I do camembert and ham, or as I call it: a Hamembert Sandwich.
What about the three sea shell method?
It’s not a typo. The air passes through the cold AC coil first, causing moisture in the air to condensate on the coil and drip out (which is why you see puddles under cars when the AC is running). This is similar to when you have a cold beverage glass or can on a humid day, and it gets wet on the outside with…
Yes please make sure it has three USB ports
“I don’t really ever feel the need to participate in the Great Pizza Wars, because all pizza is great”
The square cut is also known as tavern or party style. It’s meant to feed a lot of people.
Sorry, that’s what Trump says the left does. If you are on the Right you march in the streets, shout “Heil Hitler”, viciously attack colored people and those whose faith differs from you, and if it’s a day ending in Y a mass shooting.
I’m sure there is some uninhabited island out in the Pacific that I welcome you to relocate to. In the meantime, please stay off our public roads, stop using our public water sewer and other utilities, and by all means please don’t call 911 when you need help.
Moon shoes, my friend. This wedding is going to get bouncy.
Well, that was quite the paradigm shift. Good show!
The only things I really give a shit about in Austin are the Continental Club and the Broken Spoke.
*laughs in San Franciscan*
I have a big urge to make some of these poses into very indecent gifs. The frog one, so easy.