
And that right there is why I dropped everything and took my Vette to an elementary school “race car day” last spring. I let every last kid who wanted to crawl around in the driver’s seat and signed about a million “autographs” while answering every last question they threw at me. Things got broken, other things got

Screw the haters and screw “manliness”, we can do whatever we want.

i star this message as a male who did gymnastics.. same result during school :)

girls do race cars lol. This teacher needs to get out of the rock he lives in and go to the real world.

Toronto police don’t have any complaints filed related to the incident, but the NBA and Clippers plan to investigate what happened, according to Amick.

In the end, we’re all just shills for Fox’s Tuesday night lineup.

The power outage at Camden Yards that postponed a game was intentionally done in order to keep Cal Ripken’s streak alive after Cal refused to play the afternoon he accidentally walked in on Kevin Costner having sex with his wife.

FDR knew ahead of time that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor.

I could definitely be talked into that one, plus the idea that he was actually suspended during his first retirement.

Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first man in space. The Soviets didn’t want to publicly fail with the world watching, so they secretly sent a bunch of guys before Yuri. Many of whom died.

Another one I’m on board with: big pharma is preventing meaningful work towards actual cures, as opposed to treatments, for a wide variety of diseases.

That Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a false flag designed to allow Hillary to coast into the White House.

Flight 93 was shot down. I sort of believed it right when it happened, but then after the movie came out and the ‘let’s roll’ audio, it was all too convenient. So some people got together, decided to overtake the hijackers and then, after succeeding, still smashed the plane into the ground?

Using Chapstick causes you to need Chapstick more, so that you need to keep buying it. Why else would I be addicted?!

This isn’t precisely a conspiracy, but I’m willing to believe there are a handful of people in the world who don’t die of old age or age past a certain point. No one specific, and they’d still get diseases, including cancer, so they won’t literally live forever, but every now and then one will get lucky and live for

Jesus Christ was not a real person, but rather a mythological hybrid conjured up more than 100 years after his supposed death by individuals who needed a figurehead to promote their new religion.

Well, in that case, let’s go with the Virgin Mary wasn’t no virgin.

Tony Romo is an elite quarterback.

Tupac is alive. No one denies this.

I’d say “MJ got banned for gambling”, but I don’t know if that even still qualifies as a conspiracy theory.