Make no mistake, Blurred Lines is a gross sexist song that I’m happy has been largely forgotten.
He sure does love white women a lot.
I’ve worked in politics and government for almost 20 years.
Reminds me of the Radiohead “Creep” and The Hollies “The Air that I Breathe” srory back in 2013 - they now split the royalties from Creep.
“Blurred Lines” is an awful song, but that decision was a disaster for the music industry and songwriting in general. If you can win a copyright lawsuit over a song having a “similar feel” to another song, then you are effectively killing art. Influences, inspiration, vibe... these are things that are crucial to a lot…
is lil tay short for elizabeth taylor the same way bobby flay is short for robert flavor and elon musk is elongated muskrat?
Better ideas:
1) Everyone has to stand for the anthem but the anthem is now, “Let’s go Crazy” by Prince.
2) All players stand for the anthem ON the united states flag.
3) All players who choose to kneel for the anthem must also be iced.
4) Cops stop harassing, assaulting and killing innocent people (HAHA jkjkjkjk!)
5) Any…
Mrs. JONATHAN Brisbee?
I hope Danny Elfman is doing the music.
Nope. She chose to get into bed with him, stayed with and supported him through all his underhanded, dirty tactics.
...I would’ve gone Tarantino on her ass.
Live and let live?
WTF did I just watch?
Worst. Holiday. Song. Ever.
Crooked abortions. Total abortionburger. An abortion truck on every corner. Make Abortion Great Again.
They’re planning a new Abortionplex in Birmingham.
Oh great now its going to be nothing but abortion after abortion. Thinking of buying a new car? Aborted. I was going to get a raise last week but what do you know? Aborted. Abortion on-demand. Abortion on TiVo. Mail-order abortion. Abortion in our streets. Abortion in our churches. Pay-per-viewbortion. Fake abortions.…