
My eight-year-old son calls this site “jal-ponk”, usually when I have it open on the phone, as in, “Dad, stop reading Jalponk and put down the phone.”

Asplodey Renault power units? I don't think they exist!

I believe you’ve missed a category in this comparison: Puffalump compatibility; that is, a thorough analysis of whether each one will Puffalump better than the other.

It's getting all the stars, it's just too fast for you to see them.

In Philadelphia, the PPA will issue a citation if you park on a street patrolled by them and have missing/expired inspection tags. Guess how I know that.


I bet an electrician forgot to “tag out” a breaker switch and/or wired the charger to the distribution panel before the charger had been installed.

Well, see, the mechanic informed the owner during the first brake job that those lines should’ve been replaced, so he had prior knowledge of the condition of those lines. As it wasn’t an inspection job, however, he wasn’t under obligation to do anything with them. The second time around he could’ve refused to pass the

“a mid 80’s Tercel Hatch with 4WD”

I’d agree with you if the state in which the driver lives doesn’t require regular safety inspections. In this case, however, the mechanic has a legal obligation to perform a thorough inspection and present a truthful account of the results of that inspection in accordance with the agreement made with the DMV to become


Will it fit a golf bag in the trunk like the older generations?

Cue “Chariots of Fire” music in the background.

The Tom Selleck ‘stache sticks out like a sneeze in a quiet opera hall.

Yes, I did read that in David Attenborough’s voice, thankyouverymuch.

First-world problems.

A car is a collection of rods, levers, springs, valves, balls, flaps, dials, buttons, plugs, sockets, hoses, pipes, tubes, lights, wires, blocks, shafts, pads, gaskets, covers, lids, caps, assorted bits of rubber, wood, fabric, and sometimes pieces from animal carcasses, often mounted onto an assembly variously

A most glorious way to go deaf, though.